Camp 2020

Resources for virtual Summer Camp & Vacation Church School.

Codes of Conduct

It can be hard to be present and attentive for a virtual program. We've prepared Codes of Conduct to help set clear expecations for healthy behavior.

Code of Conduct for Youth Workers (PDF)

Code of Conduct for the Safety of Children and Youth (PDF)

Virtual Camp Conduct Agreement for Chidren and Youth (PDF)

Guides for Leadings Virtual Discussions and Sessions

Guides for Leadings Virtual Discussions and Sessions

Virtual ministry comes with its own unique challenges. We've prepared a comprehensive set of guides to help you every step of the way.

Best Practices for Zoom Ministry Meetings (PDF)

Housekeeping Items for Zoom Calls (PDF)

How to Facilitate Group Discussions (PDF)

How to Facilitate Group Introductions (PDF)

Model Structure & Timeline for Sessions with Breakout Rooms (PDF)

Security Measures for Zoom Ministry Meetings (PDF)

Virtual Meeting Resources for Youth Safety (PDF)

Orthodox Life Camp Sessions

Orthodox Life Camp Sessions

Sessions to help you lead transformational ministry this summer. Based on the Y2AM Ministry Plan 2017-18 "Fruit of the Spirit." Perfect for use at both Summer Camp and Vacation Church School.

Love (Word)

Joy (Word)

Peace (Word)

Patience (Word)

Kindness (Word)

Goodness (Word)

Self-Control (Word)

Gentleness (Word)

Faithfulness (Word)

Tending the Garden of Our Hearts Vacation Church School Materials
Additional Vacation Church School materials from our friends at "Tending the Garden of Our Hearts."

Additional Vacation Church School materials from our friends at "Tending the Garden of Our Hearts."

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